• Are Hitcash ads safe?

If want to create more revenue through your website and need the most advanced monetization solutions – so you are in the right place! There are many reasons to become a publisher with Hitcash ad network:

100% of your traffic can be monetized! We have tons of advertisers in every country and every niche, so no impressions are wasted.

All of our ads are manually approved 24/7. No viruses, malware, or pornography can go through. Attract your audience to engage with the highest quality ads!

Our ad formats are suitable for any monetization strategy and any other ad network. Increasing your profits even if monetizing your traffic requires a mix of other ad formats like Google adsense.

Our ads outpaced ad blocking software, increasing revenue by 18%.

Taking advantage of marketing, Hitcash brings about additional income when you refer your colleagues, followers, and friends to join the Hitcash ad network.

Don't waste your time searching for better terms. With Hitcash, Payments are processed automatically, and you'll get daily revenue from traffic (payout threshold is only $5)

As a publisher, you have full access to detailed sales reports and see your earnings by ad format, country, region, and other criteria.

Start making money with the most effective ad formats, the best payment terms and lots of exclusive features.